Главная \ Однокомпонентный цинкофосфатный грунт HT 420 OROPRIMER OROPAL

Однокомпонентный цинкофосфатный грунт HT 420 OROPRIMER OROPAL


Matte primer monocomponent of alkyd nature. The presence of zinc phosphates in its formulation gives the paint a high anticorrosive power. Its use is recommended for machinery, bodies, cranes, tanks and all kinds of iron pieces in general. Free of chromates and lead.

Physical parameters

Viscosity (Ford cup nº4): 120 – 180”
Specific gravity: 1,40 – 1,60 g/mL depending the colour
Solids content: 73 – 77%
VOC: <500 g/L Directive 2004/42/CE: Limit value (2010) for this product (sub. cat. A/i): 500 g/L
Colour: White, Yellow, Red oxide, Grey
Spreading rate: 13 – 19 m2/L (90 – 120 g/m2)
In-can appearance: Viscous liquid
Dry film appearance: Film matt with good leveling
Stability (without openning the can): 12 months at 10 – 25ºC
Gloss: <4%
Adhesion: 100% (Max: GT0)
Saulty fog: >400 hours

Product use information

Surface: Iron
Surface preparation: The iron surfaces must be deoxidized (sandpaper or sandblast), degreased and dry, according to NTE-RPP-35
Product preparation: Before applying, homogenize the product well with a spatula
Application method: Brush, Roller, Airless gun
Dilution: Application by brush / roller: Do not dilute or max. 3% with ORODIS 719. Application by spray: Up to 10% of ORODIS 717
Application: 1-2 dry 30-40 μm hands
Drying: Dry touch: 1 hour El The drying time is greatly influenced by the grammage, the type and condition of the support and the environmental conditions.
Recoatable: 24 hours
Cleaning: ORODIS 719

Application process: Iron
Primer: OROPRIMER 420
Topcoat: OROLEX Enamels

Additional information

Safety: Consult package labelling. For further information, ask for the Material Safety Data Sheet
Storage: 1 year
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